Chapter 342: Destroy Your Sect (Extra Chapter, Please Help)

This youth is truly terrifying. What kind of existence is he? How did his cultivation level increase so much all at once?

Although there are such and other confusions, although there are countless doubts, what matters most for Ji Yuanzong right now is to ensure that he escapes with his life!

Without life, everything is in vain, so Ji Yuanzong desperately rushed outward. He ignored everything and disregarded all, just madly dashing out.

Body of Thousands is a divine ability cultivated by Ji Yuanzong, not only for combat but also for preserving life in desperate situations.

Over the years, Ji Yuanzong had numerous conflicts with others, but this was the first time he used this divine ability of Body of Thousands.

I will surely escape, I will surely escape! Ji Yuanzong encouraged himself with complete confidence in his heart.

However, just as his countless clones flew ten thousand zhang away, he saw Zheng Ming slowly stretch out his hand.