Chapter 353 Wilderness

The waning moon hung like a hook, illuminating the endless wilderness and casting a desolate hue across the vast land.

A piercing wolf howl rose in the distance, causing countless small animals active in the wilderness to cautiously retract their bodies.

Yet, under the threat of that wolf howl, a small figure was desperately sprinting, with droplets of blood continually dripping from the boy's ribs.

The dim moonlight shone on the boy's youthful face, highlighting his gauntness. But what drew more attention were the boy's eyes.

The boy's eyes were bloodshot, but the exhaustion-induced redness could not conceal the resolute flicker within.

This resolution made him forget his fear, forget his fatigue, and kept him running swiftly and without looking back in the desolate wilderness he had never traversed by night before.

Although he hadn't eaten for a day, his stomach constantly protesting, and his frantic walking had left him utterly exhausted, the boy persisted.