Section 136 Danger Crisis (Asking for Subscriptions at Dawn)

The Wuling Driver seemed to be badly injured, with bloody half face, and his right arm went numb and useless after the van furiously flipped over in mid-air. He abandoned his gun and raised up his left hand.

Feng Haonan instantly put away his gun, frisked the driver for potential hidden weapons, then cut the seatbelt with a military dagger, dragging the driver out onto the ground.

Gao Jie pulled the unconscious assassin out from the van and threw him on the ground. She kicked him to ensure that he was certainly unconscious, and then handcuffed his hands behind his back.

The police finally arrived; the people from Golden Shield Security who just hopped off their car took out their fire extinguishers and started spraying towards the van, averting the imminent danger of an explosion.

Kicking the Wuling Driver, Gao Jie asked, "Who hired you guys? Who's your real target?"

The Wuling Driver grunted in pain, but didn't answer.