Section 684: Underground Palace

When Shen Yue saw the terrified look on Jin Xin's face, his heart was also filled with dread!

Jin Xin rarely showed such horror.

Even when confronted with deadly threats, Jin Xin would stand his ground courageously instead of succumbing to fear.

The only explanation for Jin Xin's fear was that his dream had provoked an unimaginable terror in him!

Nuanyu seemed surprisingly calm.

After a while, she finally said, "Can you let go of my collar now?"

Jin Xin paused, slowly released Nuanyu's collar, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and gritted his teeth, "What the hell are you up to?"

"Even if I am up to something, you still have to go along with it, don't you?"

Nuanyu said leisurely, "The deal has been made. To help Shen Yue and rescue Jiang Zhilian, you must help me with the dreaming."

Shen Yue looked surprised, but he basically understood the ins and outs between Jin Xin and Nuanyu.

Jin Xin sneered, "I don't think I can continue."
