902 The Return of Light

The desert created by the Anti-Force Eagle?

After hearing Zhong's explanation, Shen Yue didn't immediately question it, but thought for a while before saying, "Why would the Anti-Force Eagle want to create this thing?"

All around is sand, it seems like it will never end; what is the Anti-Force Eagle up to with this?

Shen Yue realized that the saying which claimed understanding oneself is the most difficult was absolutely correct.

The shadow of the Anti-Force Eagle was always present in his mind, and his recent goals could all be said to be related to the Anti-Force Eagle, yet he still did not understand the Anti-Force Eagle.

"The desert is not a trifle."

Zhong, with no hint of humor in his expression, said solemnly, "This is an unprecedented grand plan."

Shen Yue looked around again and smiled, "Since you've brought this up to me, you must be willing to explain, aren't you?"

Zhong gave up on Medusa and joined Ye Biluo to bring him here, what purpose?