962 United as one

Shen Yue was not a Spiritual Master, yet he was deeply versed in the art of psychological duels; in fact, he had faced off against Spiritual Masters multiple times. His repeated victories were not a matter of luck but the result of a profound foundation established since childhood.

All five aggregates are full of deceit; one who enters their realm can hardly avoid becoming mired or lost in them, hence the saying: "An onlooker sees the game better than the players."

But when the mediator steps into the fray of the dispute, they too can end up with a bloody head.

The so-called clarity is but like water in a cup that gathers dust, clarity is occasional, turbidity is the norm.

It's not uncommon for those who save the mentally ill to end up mentally ill themselves.

To merge without obstruction and to withdraw without attachment is the mark of a true master of the mind.