Section 1015 Assassination!

The Assassination Legion was the true planner behind the Qian Qiaoqiao case?!

Is it now an elaborate trap set by the Assassination Legion against Li Yawei, not aimed at Qian Qiaoqiao, but to eliminate Li Yawei?!

After a successful strike, the Lizard Woman does not stop there but goes on to pursue a thorough victory.

It's best to chase down the fleeing enemy with remaining courage, not seeking fame like an overreaching king!

Injuring Li Yawei was something to boast about, but as long as Li Yawei was alive, she remained an obstacle for the Assassination Legion. Removing Li Yawei and dealing a heavy blow to the Intercontinental was a goal they never abandoned.

Shen Yue moved swiftly, intending to rush in front of Li Yawei.

Extreme danger!

His battle armor warned him, and his mind simultaneously alerted him, but he was someone who rose to challenges. Seeing Li Yawei in a perilous situation, he only wanted to support her for a moment.

A moment would suffice.