Chapter 1285: Deceiving Others, Harming Oneself!

Modern people think that the ancients were quite ignorant, but this is merely because the range of knowledge was different, and modern people are not necessarily much smarter than the ancients.

Because of limited knowledge, the ancients often attributed the unknown to divine will, which is actually not much different from modern people attributing it to the unsolved mysteries of the universe. Both divine will and the universe are elusive concepts.

Regarding the universe, humans can be said to still know nothing because, according to some scientific views, this world coincides with what Shakyamuni said; it is essentially a digital illusion.

You know it's an illusion, but do you really 'know' it?

It's not surprising that Wanyan Lie, eight hundred years ago, had such beliefs about destiny.

"But I was wrong, I was terribly wrong."