Chapter 3: Crystal Beast

It was dusk when they arrived at the Immortal City. Like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden, Ye Chen was awestruck by the sights around him; he wanted to see and touch everything, his curiosity insatiable.

But as the night began to fall, Ye Xue, aware of her brother's busy schedule, said, "Chen, are you hungry? There will be time to look around later, so you won't be seen as a country bumpkin."

Upon hearing this, Su Hong chuckled and said, "Tomorrow, I'll have Ze'er show you around."

Ye Chen hurried to catch up, not realizing how hungry he was until it was mentioned.

Indeed, this was no ordinary place; it was the capital of the world between Heaven and Earth.

Suddenly, Su Hong slowed his pace and pointed ahead at a courtyard, "Here is the Pear Blossom Garden. You'll live here for now. I'll see if there's anything better."

Ye Chen was the first to rush inside. There was a pavilion, two pear trees on either side of it, and pot plants scattered around for decoration.

At this time, lanterns were already being lit across the courtyard, their warmth a sign that everything was newly arranged.

Ye Chen was dumbstruck. He had sneaked a peek at Jia Tianhao's residence, and it wasn't any better than this.

When the Sect Leader entered, two servant girls greeted him.

Quickly, Su Hong introduced them, "This is Jing Si and Jing Qiu." Then he introduced them to Ye Xue and Ye Chen.

They were both around sixteen or seventeen years old. Jing Si was taller and Jing Qiu more plump.

Both of them greeted Ye Xue.

Two days ago, Su Hong had sent a carrier pigeon with his instructions. Now there were two more servant girls, who were told to heed Ye Xue and Ye Chen's commands.

Ye Xue was slightly overwhelmed by this unexpected generosity.

"Prepare dinner quickly," Su Hong ordered.

Jing Si and Jing Qiu hurried out, and Su Hong continued, "It's getting dark, I should head back now. I'll come see you tomorrow."

Knowing how busy Su Hong was, Ye Xue quickly replied, "Alright, return safely."

Su Hong turned to Ye Chen and said, "Chen, we will discuss about martial arts training tomorrow."

Ye Chen, busy exploring the surroundings, responded without turning back, "Goodbye Sect Uncle."

Suddenly, it was only Ye Xue and Ye Chen left in the courtyard.

Ye Chen had never dreamed he would truly be able to experience the Immortal City. Like in a sweet daydream, he told his mother, "Mother, you should have told me we had such a generous uncle. Instead of eating radishes and cabbage in the village, we have people tending to us. It's as if you've changed from a hen to a phoenix overnight!"

Ye Xue responded with a cold laugh, sipped her tea and said, "Come here."

Ye Chen turned around and walked towards her.

"Do you want to know who your father is?" Ye Xue asked.

"I've been dreaming of knowing. Can you tell me, Mother?" Ye Chen asked eagerly.

"After five years of training here, you'll turn eighteen and become a disciple of the Immortal City. Then, I'll tell you who your father is."

"Why after five years?" Ye Chen asked, confused.

"A world without 'why's' doesn't exist!" Ye Xue retorted.

"I must be the most peculiar person in the world. Even to know who my father is, it's so difficult." Ye Chen protested.

"Because you aren't worthy yet! Your father was a great hero. You don't even know martial arts, how could you be his son? Remember, study diligently for five years. If nothing bad happens, I'll tell you."

Ye Chen had no choice but to reluctantly agree, "Alright, I will do as you say."

"And if anything forces you to leave the Immortal City, you'll never know who your father is."


"Stop whining like a baby. Be grateful for what you have. So many people yearn to come into here."

After dinner, Ye Xue went to wash up, leaving Ye Chen alone to explore the courtyard. He had already identified every room and his own, but was still restless and bored. He longed to explore, but it was late and dark outside.

His mother's words echoed in his mind. He knew she meant what she said. It was time he took her words seriously and quit fooling around to prove her wrong.

Jing Si and Jing Qiu entered with some desserts and fruits, thanks to Su Hong's special arrangements.

Just like Ye Chen, Jing Si and Jing Qiu were also confused about the situation. They had never heard Su Hong mention a Junior Sister before. His sudden introduction of Ye Xue and his extraordinary treatment of her piqued their curiosity.

Seeing that Ye Xue was not around, Jing Qiu called Ye Chen over and asked, "Kid, where are you from?"

"Tianfang Village," Ye Chen replied.

"From the village?"

Ye Chen glared back, "Are you belittling villagers?"

"No, we also come from a village," Jing Qiu asked again, "By the way, is the Sect Leader your elder master?"

"Yes, I just found out too."

Jing Qiu asked again, "Did you guys come here for fun, or...?"

Ye Chen grabbed an orange, sniffed it, and said, "I came here to learn martial arts."

"And your father?"

"My father... I don't know?"

"How can you not know who your own father is?"

Ye Chen shouted, "What's so surprising about that? My father is a great hero, is it wrong if I don't let others know casually?"

"His name?"

Ye Chen shook his head.

Jing Qiu was somewhat surprised to hear this and said, "You're his son, yet you don't even know who your father is?" she murmured quietly: could he have run off with someone else?

Ye Chen overheard, and protested, "It's your father who ran off with someone."

The girl waved her hand, sniffled, and indicated that she said something wrong.

Ye Chen took a bite of the peeled orange, and the strong scent of the orange filled the air.

"You don't even know his name, that's quite miraculous."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing." Jing Qiu had just been discussing with Jing Si, how is it that this child and his mother have the same surname, is it truly a coincidence!

"By the way, you are maids, right? Do you know martial arts? Beast control?"

Jing Si laughed after hearing this, "Of course, naturally we also learn some martial arts and beast control. It's for self-defense."

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen was curious and laughed, "It should not be very difficult, right?"

"It depends if you want to learn the easy or the difficult, for example, if you want to control simple beasts, it wouldn't be very difficult. But if you want to control giant beasts, like the Winged Dragon, or a Qilin, it would require immense power."

"Can you control a Winged Dragon?"

"Everyone starts learning from scratch. We start from controlling small beasts and gradually move to big ones."

"Is there a Crystal Beast? Can I see it?" Ye Chen grew curious.

Indeed he is from the countryside, Jing Qiu went into her room and took out a Crystal Beast that could be held in hand, and gave it to Ye Chen. Ye Chen was so delighted that he couldn't speak.

The Crystal Beast can be summoned to its true form by its user if their power is strong enough. Similarly, its true form can be sealed into a Crystal Beast the size of a palm.

"Give it to me!" Ye Chen begged.

"No, everyone has their own Crystal Beast. You need to cultivate a bond with it over time, it's exclusive to its owner. If you want one, you can have it once you truly become a disciple of the Immortal City."

"Stingy! Even the head monster is exclusive to you." Ye Chen then asked, "How can one truly become a disciple of the Immortal City?"

"Immortal City enrolls a batch of real disciples every year, as long as you meet the requirements."

"What requirements?"

"The minimum requirements for beast control and power."

Upon hearing the word 'minimum', Ye Chen said, "It shouldn't be that difficult, right?"

"Only one percent pass."

What a pitfall, why didn't his mother tell him!