Chapter 13: Inviting the Devil into Body_2

"Go back now, change clothes, and go to sleep," Ye Xue scolded.

Ye Chen slowly headed towards his room.

Ye Xue thought of past stuff and was quite worried. She dreaded that he would, like his father, go astray. She would never let that happen. This fear had led her to be particularly strict with Ye Chen over the years.

Her palm was already reddened and stinging terribly. The pain was unpleasant.

"Remember to apply some bruise ointment."

Ye Chen responded affirmative.

Time had passed, and it was already midnight.

In the blink of an eye, thirteen years had passed, and she was now solely left with this son.

The next morning, amid the mist, Ye Xue, as usual, woke Ye Chen up, saying, "Get up now, Chen, are you planning on sleeping until the sun is directly above?"

From inside the room Ye Chen responded, "Hmm, I'll be out soon."

"I'm not going to wait for you if you don't eat," Ye Xue said. From today, she planned to help out in the kitchen.

Ye Chen hurriedly came out.

"From today, I am working in the kitchen. I'll bring you lunch."

"A chicken turning into a phoenix, you in the kitchen?"

"Yes, do you think your mother is a princess! People don't serve me, quite the contrary! A chicken turning into a phoenix indeed!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen dared not say a word.

"Life is about working to support yourself. If you don't work, who will provide for you and me? Just sitting idle here, leeching off others, by what right?" She continued, "Do you think you don't have to work here?"

Ye Chen shook his head.

"Study martial arts diligently and read books."

"Hmm, I will," said Ye Chen. When he picked up his chopsticks, he felt some pain in his hand.

Ye Xue asked, "Did you apply the medicine?"

"Yes, I did."

"If you want to get hit less, don't make me angry." She picked out all the tasty food and placed it in his bowl.

Ye Chen kept nodding his head.

"Make good use of your opportunities in Immortal City and learn as much as you can. Maybe it won't be necessary now, but if you need it later and regret not learning, it will be too late. If you don't learn, you will honestly not be much better than crude men."

"I understand."

"Hurry up and eat, I need to clean up."

Ye Chen swiftly finished his meal and left.

On his way, he ran into Zhan Ze, who seem slightly excited. Ye Chen knew why.

Zhan Ze was somewhat puzzled looking at Ye Chen's hand wrapped in gauze and asked, "What happened to your hand?"

"I got a burn."

"Did you burn yourself last night while barbecuing?"

Ye Chen quickly shook his head, "No."

"Can you still barbecue today?"

"Of course, I'm fine," he said as he removed the gauze.

"That doesn't look like a burn, burns usually blister." After another glance, he added, "It must be from a ruler."

"You seem quite experienced."

Zhan Ze chuckled, "Did your mother hit you with a ruler? Why did she hit you?"

"I had a bit of drink last night."

"So she hit you over a little drink, are her expectations too high?"

Ye Chen replied, "I messed up once while drinking."

"Did you sleep with a girl?"

"Don't overthink, I got into a fight!"

Hearing this, Zhan Ze burst into laughter, "Really though, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, have been for a while."

"Your mother is really strict with you. I will have to be careful about getting you to drink in the future."

Hearing this, Ye Chen chuckled, "You couldn't sleep last night after having a good time, could you?"

Zhan Ze just chuckled.

"I see. I really need to take a good look at the one who has turned our Young Master Ze's head."

"Just a warning, she is mine. Don't fall for her or else our brotherhood is over."

"Relax, there's no girl who can entrance me enough to give up a brother."

"Tonight, let's have a great time," suggested Zhan Ze.

"By the way, I want to ask. Is Hao Wu after Yu Qing only to oppose you? He doesn't like her at all?"

"How could he sincerely like Yu Qing? Anyone who's a bit attractive in Immortal City interests him. Those who know him know what kind of person he is. He's incapable of truly loving anyone."

"So, he really does need to be put in his place."

"That's right, he is a complete jerk and the worst kind. He deserves a beating. I've wanted to show him a lesson for a long time, but being from the same city gives me pause. But if he provokes me too much, I won't hold back."

Ye Chen simply nodded.

In any case, if he crosses me, I will not tolerate it," continued Zhan Ze.

"Have you ever fought with him?"

"Of course! How could I have not fought him?"

"Is his martial arts any good?"

"His martial arts? He's just a bluff. The only thing he's good at is bragging. Everyone in Immortal City knows he's a coward."

Listening to this, Ye Chen chuckled.

"Wait till he provokes me. Just wait and watch how I teach him a lesson."

"It would be better not to fight."

"It's not about fighting, some people just deserve a beatdown. Someone should teach him a lesson, or else he will only get worse."

Entering He Weng's courtyard, He Weng was just as before, leisurely drinking tea.

"Hey, old man, can we try something new?" Zhan Ze asked.

"Don't talk to me about something new. First, warm up." He Weng was yawning continuously. Probably because of his late-night visit to the brothel.

"There's no creativity at all."

"How would you like it to be creative?" the old man inquired.

Zhan Ze quickly said, "Let's just stick to the norm. We'll warm up." He didn't want to provoke He Weng.

"Well then, get to it."

They warmed up for two hours. After that, the old man started teaching them some basic martial arts. Once they'd broken a sweat, he taught them the theory of martial arts.

Zhan Ze said, "This doesn't seem anything new."

"What do you mean?" He Weng asked.

"The other trainers also teach the same. This doesn't have any extra."

"What extra are you looking for?"

"Is there anything for quicker learning?"

"Demon possession is a quicker way to learn. But there's a high chance you'll lose control over your gender. Do you want to learn it?"

Ye Chen laughed hearing this.

"You can keep such good things to yourself," Zhan Ze replied.

"Looking for quick ways in martial arts will lead to problems eventually. You have to do it the right way. Quickies lead to destruction, it's a steep fall. You understand?" He Weng scolded.

"But I've heard that you indeed can elevate quickly by demon possession."

"And you tell me, are there any that ended well? Isn't it either loss of sanity or complete downfall?"

"But there are successful ones too."