Chapter 35: Have you hugged enough?

Ye Chen glanced around and said, "Don't move. Stand still, let the monkeys pass, don't look at them, it might give them the impression that you're trying to attack them."

Yu Qing nodded, and the two of them plastered themselves against the cliff. At that moment, a troop of monkeys was swiftly coming down the same path.

"Look how fast they're moving."

Yu Qing responded, "Too bad I'm not a monkey."

"True, even if you were, you'd be a crippled one."

A swift palm strike followed.

Before long, the crowd of monkeys dwindled, and everything became quiet again.

They continued their treacherous trek.

"You see, it's not that hard. It's good exercise for you, and it might even help your foot heal faster." Ye Chen tried to make conversation, hoping to alleviate some of her anxiety. Pure silence and constant fear could make one even more agitated.

"I wish we could hurry up and cross."

"I wish that too, I'd like to live a little longer. But we can't rush this. One step at a time."