Chapter 43: The Opposition of the Eight Characters

When Shizi asked Yu Qing, "Are you afraid of Zhan Ze?"

Yu Qing remained silent for a while before answering, "A bit."

"Why?" Shizi was somewhat puzzled.

"I can't really say why, perhaps he's just too childish."

"Too childish! Aren't we children too?"

"He's younger than us."

"You didn't change your mind, did you?"

"What nonsense! How could I change my mind? I've never engaged my heart, and now you say I have changed?"

After hearing this, Shizi let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Never engaged your heart."

Shizi laughed falsely again, speaking straightforwardly this time, "Move that barbecue grill over here."

"It feels like tonight is a matchmaking session for me, had every person here to inspect me. I'm the only one on the display, like a bride-to-be," Qing'er commented.

"Hehe, you might be willing, but Zhan Ze may not!"

"So, have you all decided that Zhan Ze and I are a pair?"

"Most people think so."

Yu Qing shook her head upon hearing this, she wanted to say something.