Chapter 51: Hit the Left Eye, Hit the Right Eye as Well

Just as night fell.

Suddenly, a white sack came from behind, and Zhan Ze shouted, "Damn! Who's there?"

Before he could react, he was knocked to the ground, and then a flurry of fists and kicks followed.

Dongfang Tang was muttering, "Dare to blast fireworks at me, eat a hearty meal you will."

Zhan Ze screamed continuously.

Ye Chen happened to be reading by the lake. Unaware, he fell asleep. Suddenly, screams came from the distance. It seemed to be Young Master Ze's voice. He hurriedly ran over.

He saw a group of people in the distance who seemed to be in a fight. He could clearly hear that it was Zhan Ze shouting, so he yelled, "What are you doing? Someone, come over here!"

This immediately attracted the attention of the people far away. The attackers gave Zhan Ze, who already seemed pleased as punch, a barrage of punches, fearing being seen, and quickly fled. The patrols on the opposite shore, hearing Ye Chen's shouts, flew over.