Chapter 63: Ambushed

Dishes were continually brought up to the table, filling it completely. Ye Chen was already famished.

Ye Xue asked with doubt, "If Earth Demon Island really reappears, and there are Red Demonic Spirits and Black Demonic Spirits on the island, won't a great battle take place?"

Ren Xiongbei answered, "Now we have just heard about it, it has not been fully confirmed. It might just be a rumor."

"Even a rumor matters little. But if it is true, then we must be vigilant."

"Mmhmm, true."

"But as far as I know, only people from Immortal City know the location of Earth Demon Island." Earth Demon Island was sealed by the people of Immortal City.

"That's why it seems strange."

Ye Chen continued to eat.

"How could the Earth Demon Island suddenly reappear in the world?" Ye Xue was somewhat puzzled. Unless someone had lifted the seal, it wouldn't reappear. But how did they know the location of Earth Demon Island?

"We are just as confused about this matter." Ren Xiongbei responded.