Chapter 68: The Death of Ye Xue

In a valley, shrouded with vines, there was a wilderness. The dawn had only just begun to glow, and the fog had not yet dispersed.

Ye Chen's arm throaned with unbearable pain, immobilizing it. It must have been dislocated. However, he cast the pain aside. His thoughts were all about his mother.

Among the tangle of vines, he found Ye Xue, soaked in crimson. Her blood had already coagulated. Her face was turning blue, and her breathing was faint. Ye Xue had clung tightly to her son when they had fallen. Despite the soft landing they got on a pile of vines after falling from such a height, she couldn't dodge this calamity.

The blood had dyed her clothes red.

Ye Chen began to panic, crying, "Mom, wake up!" Tears streamed down his face. He looked around, shouting for help. But this was a wild forest; how could there be anyone around?

A cough sounded. Ye Chen rushed over, crying, using his other arm to prop his mother up.

Ye Xue weakly called Ye Chen's name.