Chapter 72: Earth Demon Island

"What's your name, little beggar?" Yu Yun asked.

"Ye Chen."

"Do you really know my sister?"

"Is that important?"

He Xibai started to become anxious again and said, "Yun'er, why are you asking this! Who exactly are these people?"

"If I'm not mistaken, they should be from the Demon Domain." Yu Yun made this judgment based on the symbols on those people.

Ye Chen became a little confused after hearing this and asked, "How do you know?"

"Recently, the most serious unrest has been the discovery of Earth Demon Island by the people of the Demon Domain. Although they are trying to stay inconspicuous with their outfits, I guess they are more likely to be them."

"Yun'er, are you saying this is Earth Demon Island?" He Xibai asked with doubts.

"That's my guess."

The people in the back shouted: "Keep moving, do you want to get caught in the rain here? I'll make sure you get enough of it." They wielded their whips ceaselessly, making a flurry of loud noises.