Chapter 77: Don't Turn Into That Chicken

True, escaping alone or in pairs could easily draw attention. But with more people, their lack of manpower might actually provide a good opportunity.

Ye Chen retorted, "You're daydreaming. If you take all these kids, won't you just infuriate them? Do you seriously think they'd let us go? No way, they'd be determined to find us. Even if a few of us manage to escape, there'd still be plenty of kids left behind. They wouldn't lack for bait, they might just turn a blind eye for now."

"How can you think like that, only caring about yourself and not others?" Yun'er said.

"It's not about not caring for others, I'm saying that by doing this, you'll definitely provoke them. Then they'll certainly try to find us and drag us back. You'll only rile them up. They might kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and you better be careful not to end up as that chicken."