Chapter 80: Stealing Swift nests while Laying Explosives

Shi Tuo returned and found Sheng Kong.

Sheng Kong and his group had already entered the dense forest; it was already midnight.

Shi Tuo said, "Hmm, I've located them. They're to the southeast, on the waist of a mountain."

Huan Huo asked, "They haven't been discovered by the people of the Demon Domain, have they?"

"They might have already found out. From the moment we arrived on the island, they would have known. They've just not shown it."

"If they have found out, will they deal us the same way they dealt with the Immortal City and the Demon Palace tonight?" Huan Huo asked with a hint of worry.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem likely."

"If they're not going to make a move, that means they're waiting for us to come."

"That's not right either; they definitely won't let us pass so easily. They'll definitely do something," Shi Tuo said.