Chapter 121: Adding a Crocodile's Head

"You're getting scared before we've even started." The Red Demonic Spirit had no tolerance for such a person.

"I'm not scared, I just mean, we don't need to put ourselves through all this trouble, I am determined to practice martial arts." Ye Chen said.

"So, filling your stomach now counts as trouble!"

"What I'm trying to say is, we can delegate these chores to others, like cooking and laundry. We have silver, we can hire people, and we can focus solely on practicing martial arts."

"You need to learn to balance work and leisure."

"Yes, I agree with balancing work and leisure, but where is our leisure time?"

"Cooking, gardening that's leisure! Don't you find these things fun?"

"This is work, not leisure! You really have a strange sense of humor."