Chapter 131: Want to review a bit?

Only Wei Sisan and Jiang Zhuge were left in the courtyard.

Jiang Zhuge voiced his concern, "I'm afraid this might anger Gua Zhengnie."

"How so?" Wei Sisan asked.

"We're bursting out and establishing the New City Sect, which will surely become the largest sect in the Wastelands. It surely will overtake the Third Demon and the Sky Domain Sect. I'm afraid Gua Zhengnie won't be able to bear it."

"If he can't bear it, then that's his problem. We can't let him dictate things. He's like a mangy dog. No matter how well you treat him, he won't appreciate it. We must do what needs to be done." This time, Wei Sisan was decisive. He also had to consider matters of succession, and break away.

Jiang Zhuge nodded in response.

"The more critical the situation, the more we can't waver."

"You're right, Brother."