Chapter 137: Stirring Up Trouble

Ye Chen returned to the courtyard, killed a chicken, and cooked a delicious meal.

Before he knew it, dusk had fallen, and he called out, "Red Demonic Spirit, it's time to eat."

The Red Demonic Spirit came out.

Ye Chen said, "Old demon, don't you think we should go out and about?"

"Go out and about?"

"Yes, we've been in Wasteland City for over four years, don't you think we should get out?"

"There's nothing worth seeing, besides Wasteland City, there's just barren land where not even a bird can shit."

"That's not entirely true, there are good places out there. We should explore more, let our worldview expand. So many things have happened recently, we don't know the condition of the world outside. It would be good to learn more news!"

"Hehe, you think a round tour will inform you of the world's happenings? Better to stay in Wasteland City, if something major occurs outside and we can't learn about it here, we're done for."