Chapter 147: Don't Mention This Name

Red Demonic Spirit exclaimed, "She still got it!"

"Young man, where are you from?" Feng Niang asked, not bothering to exchange pleasantries. She took a seat opposite Ye Chen. Her mature charm was rather attractive. Most importantly, she was old enough to be Ye Chen's mother, causing Ye Chen to be somewhat flustered.

Ye Chen replied, "Wasteland City."

"So you ran away from home?" asked Feng Niang.

"Sort of."

"Aren't you afraid your folks might come looking for you!" Feng Niang picked up a handful of peanuts from the table to munch on.

Ye Chen replied, "I'm an orphan."

"An orphan, you have no parents around, and you roam about freely?"


"Haven't found a partner?"

"Too poor to do so, but I'd really like to. She doesn't have to be that good. Most importantly, she must be mature, beautiful, and a bit older. That's okay," Red Demonic Spirit stated.

"I could be your mother."

"I need someone to take care of me. Older women are better at that," Red Demonic Spirit replied.