Chapter 149: Strike When the Time is Right

Without realizing it, they had been running for over two hours. Suddenly, they slowed down in a valley.

Several similarly dressed men in black appeared ahead, seemingly waiting for them.

They gathered together, seemingly to look at a map.

One of them said, "This is Wei Sisan's location. Gua Zhengnie and his men are here. We have to get here. At the appointed time, we will launch a fireworks signal. The only target is to kill Wei Sisan, just as Gua Zhengnie said. Nothing else matters."

Jue Ming nodded and said, "Got it."

Ye Chen had no idea where they were heading. The only option was to follow closely to figure out their destination.

He also had no idea where Wei Sisan currently was.

"I reckon Gua Zhengnie is set on murder," said Ye Chen.

"You are not going to save your future father-in-law out of love for that girl, are you?" The Red Demonic Spirit asked curiously.

"What a peculiar imagination, I and that girl only draw swords upon meeting. How could I fall for her?"