Chapter 166: Enemies

At dusk, he arrived at Tianle City, which had always been under the charge of Xiao Bai. He knew Xiao Bai had now gone to Wasteland City.

He had to figure out what Xiao Bai had been up to during the days of his ordeal, and whether it was true, as his daughter had said, that Xiao Bai was not in Tianle City.

Wei Sisan's arrival indeed caught everyone off guard. They had never dreamt that Wei Sisan would return alive. Within a short period, Wei Sisan had taken control of Tianle City. After taking over, he swiftly replaced all of Xiao Bai's trusted followers with his own men, effectively taking control of the city.

After his investigation, he confirmed that during the days of his ordeal, Xiao Bai was indeed in Tianle City and not in Dongle City as he had claimed in Wasteland City. After the mishap, Wei Sisan had sent several desperate pleas to Tianle City, but received no responses. It appeared that Xiao Bai desired his death.

Ling'er said, "Seems like Xiao Bai lied."