Chapter 175: Red Demonic Spirit Heartbroken

Ye Chen said, "Not really, I am just considering your safety and fear that you may be in danger."

"I'm such an old woman, who would want me?" Feng Niang also started to peel some peanuts.

"The Red Demonic Spirit wants you."

Upon hearing this, Feng Niang chuckled and picked up her chopsticks, saying, "I want to go back to the Central Plains for a look and wander around."

"Then I will let the Red Demonic Spirit accompany you, so you have someone to take care of you."

"Better not, so many people want the Red Demonic Spirit. If I bring it with me, I might be in more danger. If they find out, it might bring a disaster. It would be more useful if the Red Demonic Spirit stayed with you."

"It seems you are determined to go back to the Central Plains."

"Yes, at my age, I should really go out and have a look around. If I don't do it now, I might miss my chance." Feng Niang continued, "I think the Wastelands will not be safe for a while, it's better to leave."