Chapter 183: Are you pregnant?

Ling'er listened and responded sarcastically, "My father made that decision under immediate circumstances. He wanted you to temporarily stay at the New City Sect. I don't know why he saw something in you and proposed you for the role of the Sect Leader. He knew he couldn't persuade the others, so he used me instead. That was done to gain their trust."

"Ha, it must be because I am exceptional. Maybe your father was afraid that someone else would snatch me away and that's why he eagerly proposed our marriage. It seems I am indeed quite extraordinary."

Ling'er made a vomiting gesture.

"Are you pregnant? We haven't had our wedding night yet. Don't tell me you've been cheating, because I certainly won't raise another man's child."

She tried kicking Ye Chen away. Ye Chen quickly dodged and said, "Be careful. We're not on solid ground right now. We're on horseback. If you fall and end up killing the baby, I'm not taking responsibility."