Chapter 197: Monster Tau Wu

Ye Chen was also woken up, but he had slept quite well last night. The sky was just beginning to lighten, but the fog in the mountains was unusually thick, making it difficult for one to breathe, unconsciously agitating people.

"What's going on? What happened?" Ye Chen looked up at the sky, which was still not very bright.

"Ci Ye's people have started to move, they have already gotten up." Li Mo said.

"Oh, they're in such a hurry." Ye Chen said, somewhat surprised.

"I think they have probably discovered Can Mo's whereabouts, they seem a bit anxious, probably not wanting Can Mo's group to get away."

Ye Chen woke up sober, and hurriedly got up.

Li Mo said: "We can't let them escape as well, maybe we could lend a hand when the time comes."

"Their goal is definitely Yang Jing, to them, Yang Jing is of utmost importance." Ye Chen stood up, stretched, and said: "In that case, hurry up and get moving, we have to keep up with them, we can't let them throw us off."