Chapter 208: Complain Again, I Dare You

Someone brought Ye Chen some food, seeming a bit scared because Ye Chen was still talking to Ling'er. They feared they might interrupt their conversation.

Ye Chen accepted a roast chicken and said," Let's eat a bit to save our energy. We are not safe yet, as long as we have Hong Ying with us, we won't be in too much danger."

"I actually misjudged you," Ling'er exclaimed.

"Hehe, did you ever have me figured out!" Ye Chen handed her half of the roast chicken and continued, "What do you want me to do? I'm responsible for these people's lives, yet you won't let me do things my way. With thousands chasing us, your father wants me to lead these people to Futu Valley. Do you father and daughter intend to drive me to my death?"

A foot brutally kicked over, grabbed half of the roast chicken, and went to the horse car.

Ye Chen yelled after her, saying, "Don't trust the girl in the horse car too much, she's with Yang Jing, she'll only help him against us."