Chapter 212: In a Run of Bad Luck

Ye Chen was roasting the rabbit, quickly succumbing to the aroma of the cooked meat. The sounds of battle were still echoing distantly, but not as gut-wrenching as at the beginning - it seemed like the fight must be nearing its end.

The silly girl, when quiet, was quite charming. She sat opposite him, continually feeding the fire with wood.

Ye Chen confidently asked, "Don't you think I'm really smart?"

"Who compliments themselves like that!" Ling'er replied coolly. Although, deep inside, she wanted to admit that he did have some skills - capturing Yang Jing at Centipede Mountain, escaping from an encirclement, and successfully ambushing their opponents, all quite thrilling feats.

"Don't you think I'm a genius?"

"Nonsense! Daring to call yourself a genius, I reckon you were just darn lucky." She certainly wouldn't let her admiration show - it would only make him more arrogant.