Chapter 215: Increasingly Resembling an Old Married Couple

Ye Chen was having a meal with Ling'er and said, "Don't we seem more and more like a married couple this way?"

"In your dreams!" Ling'er snorted.

"We really do seem like it." Ye Chen continued. "Eating together, living in the same suite, anything could happen at any moment, and I think your father hopes something will."

Wei Yiling paused for a moment, and said, "Go find your Feng Niang quickly, in case she already likes someone else."

"So you're quite concerned about Feng Niang and me."

"No I'm not, just a reminder." Ling'er responded.

"If we lived like this every day, it wouldn't be bad. Coming home to a meal, the chance to develop something, maybe something really could happen."

"And you'd really become a spoiled brat."

"Well, someone like me who does big things can delegate small things like this to others, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Didn't you say last time, you came from Central Plains?" Ling'er remembered him saying he was returning to Central Plains.