Chapter 223: Your father's words, very strange

Ye Chen gave a fake smile and said, "Your father's words are quite strange."

"Hurry up and finish your food, then come back with me." Ling'er knew that her father must have misunderstood.

"I should go back, go back to see your father, there's really no need, right?"

"Of course, if you don't go back and see my father, how can you clarify things?"

"Once I see him, things will only become more unclear."

Ling'er became anxious and shouted, "Are you really not coming back with me!"

"I'm not."

"You've let my father misunderstand and yet you're not willing to come back and clarify things with me." Wei Yiling was very angry.

"If I go back with you, things will only become more confused."

"Knowing this, yet you still talked nonsense with Wan Lan."

"How was I to know she would talk nonsense to your father. Doesn't that girl wish us to be together just so she can throw this burden onto me?"

Ling'er stood up with a dumpling in her hand, reminding him, "Don't you dare run away."