Chapter 264: Poison Wine

When Ye Chen woke up and called out, there was no response. Surprisingly, the rooms of Ling'er, Wan Lan, and Mengyan were all open. He was not late in getting up, and the girls didn't have to deal with the Zen Master's people this early morning, but somehow they were all up so early, and none of them was to be found.

He sat on a stone bench, his stomach grumbling.

The outside was dead silent, like a haunting had taken place. Ye Chen was growing impatient, and after waiting for a while without anyone showing up, he stood up to leave. Just then, footsteps echoed over. He looked up to see Cui Mengyan approaching.

Ye Chen said, "I'm glad you're here, I'm hungry, let's grab something to eat."

However, Cui Mengyan replied, "No, I'll take you out for breakfast this morning."

"Take me out for breakfast, really? Where did you get money from? How about I treat you instead?"

"Well, last night I ran into a relative who also lives in Wasteland City and she invited me to stay at her place."