Chapter 283: Wasteland City Turns into a Sea of Fire (5)

The sound of horse hooves immediately alarmed Elder Xi Feng, they did not expect the people of New City Sect to arrive so fiercely. Someone asked Elder Xi Feng what they should do next.

"People following them will be here soon." a disciple said.

Another said, "We are too few in number, at most we can hold them off for another four hours, we cannot wait for the Zen Master to arrive, they will breakthrough by then."

Elder Xi Feng also thought so.

"If they breakthrough now, once they get through, the time left for the Mutant Winged Dragon to break Wasteland City will be shortened, it might disrupt their plan."

Elder Xi Feng was well aware of this.

Shen Li from over there yelled, "Xi Feng, you need to think of a solution quickly, this little monster is too powerful, I can't hold it off."

After over two hours, Ye Chen gradually calmed down somewhat, and shouted, "Everybody put more effort, push forward for me."