Chapter 292: Turning the Tables

Li Mo drank the tea in one gulp.

Ye Chen poured him another cup, which he again drained completely.

"Sect Leader, your prediction was correct, they really are planning to target the Heavenly City Sect members," Li Mo stated.

"Have you located them?" Ye Chen asked.

"Yes, they're in a forest. Even though they aren't dressed like the Dragon Clan, we're certain that they are indeed members of the Dragon Clan."

"How are you certain?"

"Because I've recognized some of the individuals who attacked Wasteland City; I could identify them, even if they turned into ash," Li Mo continued, "We need to inform Jiang Zhuge right away and ask him to bring reinforcements here."

Ye Chen appeared to be quite calm and asked: "Which region did you find them in?" He had already unfurled a map across the table.