Chapter 294: Saving the Heavenly City Sect (2)

The Zen Master had scoped out the surroundings, the encircling forces were shrinking incessantly at this time.

Jue Ming said, "The crowd behind us was fully prepared, like a pack of ravenous wolves. Though they are fewer in number than the Heavenly City Sect, they are much more ruthless."

Elder Xi Feng said, "They are venting their anger, avenging for the people of the New City Sect."

"It's difficult to break through from the back, it seems we only can go forward." Meng Xiuluo said.

The Zen Master nodded, saying, "Alright, let's carve out a path from the Heavenly City Sect's side."

As he spoke, Shen Tian had already struck Ye Chen with three consecutive palms. Unable to defend himself, Ye Chen was thrown backward.

The Zen Master caught him. A bit embarrassed, Shen Tian murmured, "I didn't expect his martial arts to have improved so quickly. He's no longer the young man he was a month ago."