Chapter 324: Jealousy

Yu Yun gave a cold smile.

Bi Chun brought some snacks, saying, "These are the only snacks we have."

"Fine, just put them here." Shi Zi let Bi Chun put them down, also saying, "Ye Chen has started to give strategic advice, while we're still like children, not being able to help at all. It's hard not to feel inferior."

Yu Qing chuckled.

"I'm serious. All these matters used to be handled by our father's generation. But now, that boy has gotten involved, even occupying the Sect Leader's position, and we're still like children," Shi Zi said.

"Then you can go help your father," Yu Qing said.

"Heh, in his eyes, as long as I don't mess things up, it's the best help I can offer," Shi Zi replied.

"Then you can go and learn."

"I just don't have the perseverance," Shi Zi answered.

Yu Yun laughed coldly again, grabbing a handful of peanuts.

"Don't laugh at me, you're the same, only knowing how to cause trouble for others."