Chapter 345: As the Water Recedes, the Rocks Emerge, Not In My Control

Ye Chen didn't explain the reason.

"Come on, your roast chicken is ready," Yu Yun said.

"You actually saved me a roast chicken?" Ye Chen didn't have the appetite, but his stomach was honestly a bit hungry.

"You've done us a great service today. We nearly breached Immortal City, but we managed to repel them just in time."

"We didn't repel them; they just thought they had broken the Taiji Array and left."

"Now's your chance to shine and become famous in one go."

"Should I pass that golden opportunity to you?"

"Don't mock me."

"Who dares to mock you?" said Ye Chen.

"Stop joking around with me," Yu Yun sat next to Ye Chen and said, "I believe in you. You definitely have the ability to defeat those demons from the Dragon Slaying Clan."

"I'm not as confident as you, you're the powerful one."

"I knew you'd say something silly like that."

"Yeah, I only know how to talk nonsense."

"My sister came to see you and asked if you were hurt."