Chapter 351: Spare My Life, Goddess.

Upon hearing this, Ren Xiongbei exclaimed, "This is a great idea, absolutely a great idea."

Qiao Fanfeng said, "That Red Demonic Spirit, could he also possibly die?"

Ye Chen nodded.

"Would the Red Demonic Spirit agree?" Qiao Fanfeng asked again.

Ye Chen answered, "It was his idea, and only the Red Demonic Spirit could possess the Demon God, disrupt the Demon God, there is no better plan now, it seems we can only do this, there's no better way."

"I think it's feasible." Ren Xiongbei said.

But Ye Chen remained silent.

Ren Xiongbei added, "Even if we destroy the defense system by then, if we could annihilate the Demon God, everyone will be at a loss, but it's better than the current situation. Then, the Immortal City would have no defense system, but they also wouldn't have the Demon God. We may suffer a bit, but it eliminates the future trouble."