Chapter 425: I Like You

"Hey, what makes you think I'm going to get you drunk and have my way with you?" Yuyun continued, "Don't be so sensitive. If you think I'm going to trap you and force you into marrying me, I don't even think about it. I'm too young and am not planning on having children yet."

"Then why did you bring wine?" Ye Chen asked suspiciously.

"Just as an ice breaker to help us relax and talk more freely."

Ye Chen gave a wary smile. This girl was full of tricks, he had to be careful. "I'm afraid I might get drunk and you might take advantage of me. Then you'll tell your father, and I'll be done for."

"If I really wanted to force you in such a way, would you marry me?"

"A marriage forced in such a way wouldn't bring any happiness."

"That's debatable. I think I would be quite happy." She opened the paper bag of grilled sesame seed cakes and called out, "Two cups for us, please."

"Really planning on getting me drunk, huh? I can hold my drink pretty well."