Chapter 439: The Second Ling'er

They dispersed, and Mutant Winged Dragon went to find Gao Ba and Sheng Kong.

Mutant Winged Dragon said, "We're launching an attack tomorrow. I'm sorry to disturb you this late."

Demon King Gao Ba and Evil King Sheng Kong happened to be drinking and chatting together.

"No worries, business comes first," Gao Ba said.

Mutant Winged Dragon nodded in acknowledgement, then added, "I'm not sure what preparations the Heaven and Demon Realm have made for tomorrow, but they'll likely find a way to keep me at bay."

"Can they stand against the Dragon Slayer Sword?" Sheng Kong curiously asked.

"I'm not sure, but they'll certainly try to restrain me. After all, they still have three Sacred Pearls in their possession."

"Can three Sacred Pearls withstand the Dragon Slayer Sword?"

Upon hearing this, Mutant Winged Dragon let out a faint smile and said, "They definitely won't rest until they've exhausted all possible means."