Chapter 441: Dragon Slayer Sword

Boom, a shockwave burst out, with its powerful energy instantly devouring nearby structures.

The Defense Tower held up, the energy emitted by the Dragon Slayer Sword steadily intensified, like a creeping curse, advancing dangerously close to the Defense Tower.

At this moment, two energy blasts flew from each flank of the Mutant Winged Dragon. Swiftly receding, it unleashed an energy to block the incoming blasts. Mutant Winged Dragon's attention was drawn at once to Guo Mingyu and Qiao Fanfeng, freeing the Defense Tower from the threat.

Ye Chen, off in the distance, swiftly moved and positioned himself along with three others forming a wall before the Defense Tower.

The Mutant Winged Dragon held the sword tightly in his hands, taking a glance at the three. Each of them was holding a Sacred Pearl, just as it had anticipated—they planned to fend him off using the Sacred Pearls.