Chapter 448: Sky-reaching Pillar

When Ye Chen walked out, the Red Demonic Spirit sneered and said, "This lass really thinks she's your wife already."

Yu Yun overheard and yelled, "Red Demonic Spirit, what are you jabbering about over there?"

"I'm saying that you're acting like someone's wife even though you're not married." The Red Demonic Spirit vented her frustration on Yu Yun.

"Did I annoy you this morning or what!"

"It was your fiancé who annoyed me."

"What did he do to offend you?" Then she suddenly thought, "Right, you're hiding in Ye Chen's body, which means you can also enter the Dragon Slayer Sword, right?"

Ye Chen smiled, washed his face with water, and rinsed his mouth.

"I warn you, don't provoke me, or I'll back out immediately." The Red Demonic Spirit warned.

Yu Yun suddenly seemed a little more adorable. If the Red Demonic Spirit went in with Ye Chen, then Ye Chen would be even safer. He wouldn't have to go into the Dragon Slayer Sword alone.