Chapter 459: Su Zhanze Becomes the Sect Leader

Ren Xiongbei said, "Of course, I am responsible too."

"It's not just being responsible, you must bear all the responsibilities. You are the leader of the team. When such a thing happened, you should bear all the responsibilities, instead of pushing them to others. Yes, young people lack experience. Your son, Ren Haotian, and my son are young and can be forgiven. But as an experienced person, would you just push the responsibility onto the young ones?" Feng Nianmei said.

Ren Xiongbei was at a loss for words.

Su Zhanze said, "I indeed suggested it at the time, but it was Ren Haotian who interfered. He looked down on Ye Chen, thought that Ye Chen was just a bumpkin, strongly suggested not to heed his advice. Actually, Uncle Ren was also hesitant, it was not as simple as just my suggestion."

"You..." Ren Xiongbei was at a loss for words.

Qiao Haoyu said, "The most important thing now is the position of the Sect Leader, we shouldn't dig up past matters, they are in the past."