Chapter 498: The Great Battle with Zun Yu

Dawn had broken. Gua Zhengnie stared at Wasteland City in the distance, still shrouded in layers of mist. His mind was filled with thoughts of his mansion and the two women he loved so dearly.

He would make the people of the New City Sect pay in blood. He would turn Wasteland City and his estate into ruins in order to satisfy his thirst for revenge.

It seemed as though the sun today was hesitant to rise.

Xiao Bai walked over, nodding at Gua Zhengnie.

Gua Zhengnie turned to Gui Lang and said, "Within an hour, launch all the Fireballs into the city. I want none left behind."

Recalling how he was tormented by men from the New City Sect, how they drained his blood, how much he was chastised by Gua Zhengnie, all these were gifts given to him. He headed towards the siege machinery in the rear, bellowing, "No one dare slack off! Launch every fireball, not a single one left behind, within an hour!"

Boom, boom, boom…