Chapter 511: Premeditation

"Your apprentice saw Yuan Menhai at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion?" Gua Zhengnie was still in disbelief. "Yuan Menhai is dead! He died in the Central Plains!"

That was the news spread by Xiao Bai.

"He isn't dead. He's at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion. I've always suspected Xiao Bai is scheming something. I've been investigating him. Not only is Yuan Menhai at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, but so is Ming Bei." Gui Lang called his apprentice over for confirmation.

The apprentice hastily confirmed, "Yes, I saw them with my own eyes. They were all at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion."

Gui Lang then said, "Sect Leader, even given ten times my courage, I wouldn't dare lie to you. Be careful. If I'm not mistaken, they've already made preparations and set up an ambush. They're waiting for the Alliance Leader to step in. And once you do, they'll surely kill you."

Gua Zhengnie gave a cold smile, somewhat in disbelief. "They want to kill me?"