Chapter 513: Gua Zhengnie is Killed

Although the martial artists Gua Zhengnie brought with him were all one in ten thousand, their small number was a weakness. Moreover, they were ambushed and attacked unexpectedly, so in no time at all, four to five of them were killed or injured.

Gua Zhengnie could not block the killing moves of Yuan Menhai.

The killing moves of Yuan Menhai got more and more ruthless, and the momentum was very fierce. Gua Zhengnie resisted seven or eight moves, and he was already out of breath. Chun'er was pushed out, and Yuan Menhai, knowing that Chun'er was arranged by Xiao Bai into Gua Zhengnie's mansion, had no intention to kill him . He dodged, but Gua Zhengnie crazily swung his attacks, indiscriminately killing anyone close, even hurling Xiang Qiao over.

Xiang Qiao was caught, but was then killed by a palm strike from Gua Zhengnie. He barked, "That's for making me cherish the fair sex."

Within a blink, Yuan Menhai, who was unprepared, was forced to retreat repeatedly.