Chapter 538: Ghost

Regardless of the odds, Ding Yunjie thought to himself, as long as he could delay them for a bit longer, Wan Danrong would be safer.

Raising his sword, he forgot all his techniques and attacked wildly.

Forcing Er Gui and Haozi to retreat continuously.

Er Gui turned to Haozi and said, "Haozi, think of something to hold him off."

After all, Ding Yunjie was only up against three people. No matter how impressive his martial arts skills were, he could only deal with three or four opponents at most. That was already his limit. And he was facing over twenty black-clad men, all of whom were clearly highly skilled martial artists, not ordinary bandits.

Haozi charged at him with seven or eight men.

Ding Yunjie had no choice but to fight them, one bout was enough to entangle those few men.

Er Gui dashed past with more than a dozen masked men, directly pursuing the two girls in white up ahead.