Chapter 541: Deception into Wan Residence

He seemed to have fallen asleep.

Wan Danrong called out, "Hurry, get a paper and pen."

"What are you doing?" Yi Mei asked.

"I want him to sell into the Wan Residence." Wan Danrong replied.

"Just like that? The master hasn't agreed yet!"

"Can't I decide this matter?" Looking afraid she might miss out and this guy might run away, Wan Danrong, who had been lucky today, recalled his earlier warning that he might leave Wanshou City anytime. She didn't want to regret it later.

As for this most familiar part, writing the contract, she woke up the half-asleep Ye Chen, calling, "Ye, wake up and sign."

"What are you on about, stop disturbing my sleep," Ye Chen grumbled.

"Once you've signed, I'll let you sleep."

After several back-and-forths, Ye Chen couldn't take it any longer, he grumbled, "Really, just let me sleep after I sign."

"Absolutely, right here, Ye, sign."

Wan Danrong made Ye Chen sign and imprint his fingerprint.

It was as if a weight had been lifted off her chest.