Chapter 546: Boasting Doesn't Cost a Dime

Wan Danrong began to grow anxious. If she lost, Ye Chen would have to leave the Wan Residence. She knew exactly how skilled she was... or rather how unskilled. All she had was a sparce knowledge of a few basic moves that Ding Yunjie knew all too well. Her best martial arts technique, the Willow Leaf Sword Technique, was even taught to her by Ding Yunjie. With him being so proficient in many martial arts styles, how was she possibly expected to defeat him in three days? It was an outrageous thought.

Wan Danrong said, "No, we can't do this. I won't be able to beat him in three days. He knows my martial arts skills and level all too well. I'll go persuade him not to go through with this." But there was another wishful thought brewing inside her, If it were possible to make him lose intentionally, as long as Ye Chen stays... After all, it was quite difficult to convince him to stay to begin with.