Chapter 554: Performing Acrobatics

Wan Danrong, thrilled all day, had almost forgotten her martial arts training scheduled for the next day.

Ye Chen arrived earlier than Wan Danrong.

Wan Danrong felt embarrassed.

Ye Chen laughingly said, "It seems you've let success go to your head."

He had to splash some cold water on her to bring her back to reality.

"I celebrated too much last night, and slept in. Please don't take it to heart, Master."

"Ha, it was just one battle, and a lucky win at that."

"What do you mean lucky? I defeated Ding Yunjie in front of everyone. They all saw it."

"So what? Is Ding Yunjie even considered skilled? In my eyes, he's just a small fry, probably not even that. Look how it has inflated your ego." Ye Chen didn't want to miss the opportunity to put a damper on her enthusiasm.

With a pout, Wan Danrong said, "He might be a small fry to you, but to me, he was a towering mountain, one I couldn't even dream of surmounting before."